Inspiredprints likes new beginnings!
Here you can find inspiration on
themes of wellness, growth,
loss, grief, healing,
connection, community,
and resilience.
2024 was a hectic year of change for me.
two BIG things happened:
I finished writing my first full manuscript!
I downsized and moved to a new city!
So I'm feeling the new beginnings now for sure.
And I like it. But both of those things took time away from
being able to prioritize writing my blog posts.
watch for a new blogpost in February 2025
The mission of these writings
"To inspire change, healing, and connection on
your journey to wellness."
And I'll add a video here and there with tips on wellness,
writing projects, and book releases.
You can find samples of my Writings here
Please Note
writing - writing - writing
My website will be updated in 2025
to reflect my focus as an author/writer,
and for book sales in addition to
blog posts and articles.
My keyword for 2025:
r e l e a s e
this includes the release of things old, outdated, or no longer serving me in order to make room for the new things I'm bringing into my life.
Also a book release!
Thanks for visiting - I'm glad you're here!